Our team of experts are trained in Forensic Phycho-physiology at the best colleges in South Africa and the world. AA Security and Projects (Pty) Ltd offers investigators with expertise in the investigation of murder and robbery, organised and commercial crime. They have had exposure through involvement in the office of the Public Prosecutor and South African Revenue Services.
This has qualified them as expert witness in a range of criminal investigations. This unit can deploy in South Africa as well as internationally, and affiliated to the American Polygraph Association.
AA Security and Projects (Pty) Ltd offers the following comprehensive polygraph and investigation services:
-Pre-employment-vetting and screening
-Periodic testing of staff
-Employee drug testing-individual or mass screening
-Professional polygraphs-truth verification and confirming statements
-Specific incident testing and investigation-theft, fraud and infidelity
-Evidence collection and investigative leads
-Finding stolen property-hijacked vehicles and cargo
-Loss control through background investigations of staff
-Criminal or private investigation
Riot or Crowd Management Training
The course is accredited by the South African Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA): Analyse
Tactical Options for Crowd Management and Public Order Management.